Friday, August 26, 2011

Beautiful Things: Gungor

How I made it through this week is miraculous.

I got home from Italy last Saturday morning. By morning I mean that my flight that was supposed to arrive at 11PM was delayed and we didn't arrive from Dallas until 2 AM. So I got home and crashed. My sister and my wonderful doggie picked me up. It was wonderful to see how much Melano missed me. I missed him terribly.

If you're interested in how my Italy trip went, it's

Well, anyways. Beautiful things.

This week was full of beautiful things, even though this week was completely overwhelming. I started my 4th year, Junior level classes in Bio-Engineering. I'm so suprised I made it though! I was exhausted the whole time, and already bogged down with homework and reading. The most frustrating part was when I figured out almost all my classes involve computer programs. Not only computer programs, but almost all the homework for every class is on Excel, MatLab, and Aspen (ChemE program).

If you've read this for any sort of time, you'll know computers and I do not get along. Not in any way.

I also was asked to step up from being Treasurer of a society that I'm in to president. I really thought about it, and prayed about it and then decided to tell them, yes, I will do it. So I'm fairly certain I'm now the president of BMES (Bio-Medical Engineering Society). Which surprises me because I went to one meeting as treasurer and have no idea what is going on with this thing. Always a good position to be in. I'm thinking of asking our faculty adviser who the president before S. was so I can email them and get SOME idea what is going on.

I'm so not ready for this school year. But here it is. I was talking with a good friend about whether or not I should even consider taking the president position and we had a wonderful conversation about the world.

She helped me realize how much God is going to help me this year. I can totally ask for help with all my scheduling woes, my horrible procrastination habit, and all my schoolwork. He made them.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Genesis 1:1-2

This totally means God created Transport phenomenon and Numerical Analysis and Ordinary Differential Equations.

Everything God created was good right? Going with this line of thought, you have to come to the conclusion that all my homework is good. (i don't want to believe that but I do, just because I don't like something doesn't mean that it is not true.)

Well, God created it, He's going to have to really help me with my understanding of parts of it.

Once you look back, you really do see how beautifully put together the world is. How amazing it is to have everything working together in tandem and working mostly without going wrong (until humans mess it up).

I pray I can keep it together through the semester. But I know this is only possible with GOD!!