Today is 2 days before my colonoscopy. Semi-restricted diet starts today. Blah. I already messed up though. I'm not supposed to eat nuts, and I ate a Hershey's kiss with almonds... whoops. I'm fairly certain when I admit my mistake to the nurse, they'll chuckle.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Today is 2 days before my colonoscopy. Semi-restricted diet starts today. Blah. I already messed up though. I'm not supposed to eat nuts, and I ate a Hershey's kiss with almonds... whoops. I'm fairly certain when I admit my mistake to the nurse, they'll chuckle.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Blah Blah Blah: ke$ha
Revelations 3:19 "I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference."
I get a bible verse from a Christian Radio station everyday, and somehow it always seems to apply to a problem that I'm facing. And today it fit that problem perfectly.
2ith all the illness going on, I've stopped caring. I've turned my life on auto-pilot and I'm just trying to get through it. This verse seemed to call out to me. 'Whitney, the indifference you feel... yeah, cut it out.'
It felt like it cut me to the core. Why am I letting myself feel indifferent? God is holding me in his hands right now and I should be so excited that He knows that with His help, I can handle what I'm going through. He didn't give me these trial for me to just get through, but for me to grow closer to Him with. Anyone can 'get through it' but only with His love can they grow in it and shine His love.
When I googled the verse (I hate to admit it but I didn't look at a Bible because I didn't have one on me) and it gave me a bunch of verse versions. Most other versions had zealous and repent. I'm usually a stickler for more traditional versions of the bible, but sometimes you just need it spelled out plainly. Hence why I have a message version.
My goal this week is to not only diligent but not to be indifferent.
I talked to the professor in Biomolecular Engineering today. And he told me that I'm doing fine in everything, just to keep going. I told him that I finally got my care back. He smiled and said 'That's good'. Just that little smile and to know that this teacher really does care about how I'm doing and what's going on in my life has made my day better. Gives me hope on what's going on.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Sick and tired if being sick and tired
I thought the pain in my abdomen was finally going away so I got to do a bunch of stuff at work. It felt great to do something productive. Now it hurts a bunch again, for a second there I thought it was starting to get better.
Finally semi vertical after the killer migraine I had yesterday and Tuesday.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Illness pt 2
Monday, October 24, 2011
Illness pt 1
So! just to get everyone up to par, I thought I'd just summarize everything now and then just post updates as everything goes on. Test results, Dr appoints and such.
Week 1 Originally, I thought all of this was just an ovarian cyst so I put it off for awhile. Then it got to be too much and I had suffered though my tests so I went to an urgent care clinic Monday morning and got an appointment with an OB-GYN the next day. And some pain medications... Tuesday: I had an appointment with the OB-GYN and she set up an Ultrasound for the next day. Wednesday: Ultrasound, but the Tech wouldn't tell me anything. Then Friday: I missed an appointment with my Neurologist because they changed addresses across town and didn't let me know.
Week 2: Monday brought another OB-GYN appointment for me. With that brought the news that I did have a large hemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary but it had burst. Also, although this would cause me pain, it wouldn't cause the amount of pain that I was in. So I got set up with a GI specialist and a general surgeon.
So, next on my list of appointments. This Thursday I have a CT. Next Wednesday I have the colonoscopy. and the MRI date is TBA unfortunately.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Our God : Chris Tomlin
1) I'm super sick
2) I'm walking into a test knowing I don't have a chance
3) I'm super behind on homework
Thank goodness God still loves me and has this in his plan for me