Thursday, August 12, 2010


Things Learned today:
1) People ARE going to take advantage of you.
2) Never watch the Boy in the Striped Pajamas alone.
3) Don't call your mom when you're upset about a Holocaust film. Your sister says 'were you hoping for a happy ending?!'
4) If your mother puts the phone on speaker phone when you're having a melt down, promptly change topics so you don't sob to the entire car.
5) Exchange students scare easily. (My mother had just picked up the new one from the air port and was driving him home when I had my breakdown over speaker phone)
6) No matter how much I love having time to myself, Nothing compares to being with someone that will actually take are of YOU when you need it.

I'm so tired of friends only talking to you when you start the conversation. And not taking hints of 'I need a hug' to mean. I NEED A HUG ASAP.

wish people understood

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