Sunday, August 15, 2010


I'm going on a week now with a migraine everyday. It stinks. Yesterday was fairly bad, but once I took an oxycodone (not really supposed too...) it all got better. Today, I finally took an oxycodone and it's not helping. :( . I'm so tired, can't move my head, lights bug me, but I'm bored and have slept about the last 28 hours of my life. I'm finally going to go to the doctor tomorrow to get a pain meds shot tomorrow morning before work.

On the plus side, this has given me a lot of time to think.

Have you ever watched a movie that made you wish your life was just a little different? Not an 'that would be cool to do one day' but more a 'When can I fit it in to go do that?' Well, I watched a movie called white squall, thinking it was just going to be a feel good movie, and it totally wasn't. It made me realize that my goal of going off on my own for an adventure seem all the more real. Not so much, that would be cool, but I want to make this happen. Maybe eventually, or maybe my trip to Italy next summer will be enough of an adventure for me.

Another thing that has me thinking is that it's almost this fall, and I haven't made a goal list for this fall semester. I hate putting school stuff on this list, it's more of little, kinda stupid things. It feels good to accomplish. Like this summer, my goals were to make a lemon tart and learn how to longboard. It felt really good when I accomplished both of those. It also felt good that there was no school involved. Life is more than just school. Even in college.
So, I need to figure out little goals for this fall... Who knows what I'll come up with this week.

hope this migraine goes away.

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