Sunday, April 10, 2011

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When did we become to old to stare out the window in a restraunt and make up a song as we sing it?
When did we become to old to think naps are horrible?
When did we become to old to think of others before ourselves?
When did we become to old to play pretend and have an imaginary world?
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Thursday, April 7, 2011


My boss rocks. I get into work today and find this dancing solar powered flowe in a duck head at my cubical. Makes this long, full day at work worth it!!... almost lol
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Jackalopes, only in New Mexico
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Zach and Dogs

I went home for spring break and I took Melano to meet my family and Jasper. Both of them loved to sleep with my brother!
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Melano at pond

Melano and I waiting at the duck pond for Ashleys class to get out.
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Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8


Thank you so much for loving me no matter what.
Thank you for sticking with me through all the drama, and for not believing all the crap said about me.
Thank you for taking time to show me how being myself is acceptable and that people will love me for it. One day...
I love you!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dear Ex

I've only ever had 5 ex anythings. 2 ex boys, and 3 ex crushes/ almost boyfriends. and one of the ex boys was a fiancee` at one point.

I can honestly say that I am glad that they are all ex's.
But, I'll write to the one that broke me

Dear Douche bag, Seriously?! I waited for you to get out of Iraq and you break up with me over facebook the Monday morning of finals week?! And if that's not bad enough, you got married 2 months later. I was crushed. You had 3 years of my life, and we had all these dreams, and you threw them away.

But honestly, I'm so glad you did. I mean, it hurt, but through it I was able to relate and talk to so many girls about boyfriend issues. Through it, I was able to see what kind of guy I deserve. Through it, I became closer to God. And, because of it, I don't live in podunk South Dakota popping out your kids and having to put up with your crap for the rest of my life.
Thank you for showing me that I worth so much more than what you ever gave me. And for showing me that the guy you are is not even 1/4 what I deserve.
Sincerely, Whit