Monday, May 20, 2013

GF Feb 25, 2013


Finding motivation to do your homework later is next to impossible. 
When you try so hard and you still fail a test. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

GF Feb 21, 2013


I don’t want tickets to your pancake breakfast!!
I don’t want to tell you why!
Accept it. Move on. Leave me alone.

Friday, May 17, 2013

GF Feb 20, 2013


Two huge things have happened today and it’s only 12:30.
1) As of this morning, I have lost 41 lbs since August 2012. I’m down to 191. It’s such a huge thing for me! I feel so good about myself. A ways to go until I’m back to where I would like to be, but I’m working on it. Amazing what eating foods your body can digest, not being completely sick all the time, and getting of certain medicine will do in 5 months.
2) I got a new neurologist. Whoopie!! She mainly just listened to me and took note of all the medicine that I take all the time and stuff. Then she ran the meds through a computer and a software program and found 29 bad drug interactions. Mainly between all of my prescribed drugs. 9 of which were serious possibly fatal.SCARY!
Every time I get on a new med, I specifically ask ‘does this interact with my other medicines?’ Do doctors actually listen to me? Ever?
So now the big thing is to change my medicines and get me off of a bunch of them to get rid of a bunch of my headaches and possibilities of tons of problems.
I don’t like change. I’m so scared. Changing has always been rough for me and I would like to just do it on my terms, not because I have to.
If it makes me better, I’ll do it though. I’ll do anything to feel better. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

GF Feb 8, 2013

First day without a headache in 10 days!!!! woohoo!!!! 
I think my body is finally getting used to this new medicine implant thing. Hope so!! 
OH, and I finally took the plunge and ate gluten free bread. 214 days since I had my last piece of bread and it tasted great! And normal. That’s why I waited so long, it tasted normal and great! 
First day without a headache in 10 days!!!! woohoo!!!! 
I think my body is finally getting used to this new medicine implant thing. Hope so!! 
OH, and I finally took the plunge and ate gluten free bread. 214 days since I had my last piece of bread and it tasted great! And normal. That’s why I waited so long, it tasted normal and great! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Feb 5, 2013

Black and White

Everything’s not black and white, it’s the black and white world I’m trying to match that is ruining me

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

GF Feb 4, 2013

Can I just give up for a couple days?

I’ve been working on my homework for 4 days straight now. It’s almost all I’ve done all weekend. Finally the day to turn it in comes and I’m too sick to go to school. I really am annoyed.

Monday, May 13, 2013

GF Feb 2, 2013

Q: Hi! So I was looking through the migraine tag and saw that you have both migraines & celiac. If you don't mind my asking, I was wondering how long you've had each? I was diagnosed with chronic migraines by the time I was 13 and have recently started to wonder if I have a gluten sensitivity or possibly celiac. I've have stomach issues for most of my life (I'm now 24) and am pretty lactose intolerant. If you wouldn't mind I'd be interested to hear if you think the two are connected. Be well!
MY ANSWER: Well, I’ve had my migraines since I was 16, and cut out gluten last June or so. It helped tremendously! 
I decided to do it because I started to have a blind spot in my left eye that kept growing and growing until it was over 3/4 of my vision. None of the Dr’s around could figure out what was causing it so I flew across the country and while I was visiting my brother I saw a neuro-opthamologist.
He put it like this
’ if your body feels like it’s under attack, your vessels will swell up. If you’re even slightly allergic to something and you eat it all the time, you’re setting yourself up for a migraine. The first the I recommend for people with migraines is to try gluten free and see if that helps’
To me that helped me understand why it helped, it also helped me understand enough to explain it to other people. Even if I didn’t have celiac disease, I am allergic to gluten enough that it’s a constant thing that sets me on edge.
I like to think of my triggers as a bucket of water. I can only have a certain amount of my triggers in a certain time period or it will overflow and I will have a migraine. Gluten is like a chunk of cement in the bottom of my bucket that pushes the amount of triggers I can have to next to nothing. 
Then I found out I have celiac disease and everything became a little more clearer. 
tl;dr: migraines since 16 (22 now) , celiac for 7 months much better still not good though

Saturday, May 11, 2013

GF Feb 1, 2013

I’m not a failure!

Listen to this

If you didn’t know, here is pertinent information for the following story.
 - I’m a girl
 - I’m a Engineering Major
 - I’m fairly smart
 - I’m sick a lot because I have an autoimmune disease so it looks like I’m a slacker in college
In my engineering lab, with a 18:2 ratio of guys to girls, I got paired up with 2 guys, go figure. It’s engineering so I wasn’t too surprised. I’m in almost all my classes with the same people at this point so I knew of these guys, and had spoken to them.
Lucky for me, the day of the pre-lab, where we go to find out what we’re doing, one of them came and told me not to worry because they had already done all the work (that wasn’t even technically assigned yet or possible to do without attending the lab session that afternoon), and would send it to me. 
See, they had met without me and done all the work so I wouldn’t have to, how nice of them. *insert sarcasm here*
When in the pre-lab, they generally excluded me from all conversations. About an hour into talks, I mentioned an answer to a question they asked and expounded upon it. I was right. If I didn’t know I was right, the look on my lab partners face would have told me so. 
I think these people counted me out. I don’t know if it’s because I have to miss because I’m sick with migraines and celiac or simply because I’m a girl, but either way, being counted out made me angry. 
Today, I’ve noticed that I’ve worked my butt off to prove them wrong, that not only am I going to do all the work, but I’m going to do it better then I normally would. 
I also realized that this has happened a few times for me, when professors or other people have told me that ‘you won’t pass’ or ‘you can’t do that’ and I go out of my way to prove the wrong, even if it isn’t the best thing for me to do. 
So, here is me. Proving that I’m going to do it. I’m going to do whatever it is people think I can’t. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

GF blog Jan 31, 2013

Dear people putting on super smelly stuff,

I have a super stuffed up nose and I can smell it. I will most likely get some sort of headache from it. Thanks… Not..

Thursday, May 9, 2013

GF blog jan 30, 2013


Migraine attack half way though first class of the day, had to miss the rest of  the day :( 

It’s so frustrating  I’m behind with everything now and i’m seeing double and ca’t focus enough to work on the homework. Took me 8 hours of black room, double meds, and tons of convincing to get me alive and out of bed tonight to even eat some tortilla chips. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

GF Jan 29, 2013

‘He’s only MOSTLY dead…’

Since October or so I’ve been dealing with a horrible rash, scabby thing on my scalp. It’s been so annoying! I’ve changed my shampoo so many times, it’s to the point that I can’t really touch my head and to brush it hurts! 
This lead me to look into cross contaminate gluten unrelated to food. Yup, new shampoo, makeup, soap, blarg! I hate shopping for that stuff when I get the exact same brand every time, took so long to find new stuff. 
I’m going to try a homemade face wash with honey and some other stuff, excited to try it. Off to more homework. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

GF blog jan 26, 2013

My dog is super cute sitting under my chair while I’m working on my homework. 

I just wish he would stop farting.
My dog is super cute sitting under my chair while I’m working on my homework.
I just wish he would stop farting.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

GF blog Jan 21-2013

dizziness, nervousness, drowsiness, facial swelling, nausea, vomiting, stomach bleeding, headache.. Headache…

Dear F.R.I.E.N.D.S. you rock. Somehow you always have something that applies. like now. 

Monica gives these headache pills to Pheobe and she freaks out about all the possible side effects. 
No matter how many meds I take for my headaches, there is always a bummer side effect that comes with it.   
REALLY annoying when it’s a headache. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Art project Jan 2013

I’ve been working on this for while, but finally finished it. It’s OK to be not OK.  
reminding me it’s ok when I’m sick because there’s nothing I can do about it but to get better
I’ve been working on this for while, but finally finished it.
It’s OK to be not OK.  
reminding me it’s ok when I’m sick because there’s nothing I can do about it but to get better