Friday, May 17, 2013

GF Feb 20, 2013


Two huge things have happened today and it’s only 12:30.
1) As of this morning, I have lost 41 lbs since August 2012. I’m down to 191. It’s such a huge thing for me! I feel so good about myself. A ways to go until I’m back to where I would like to be, but I’m working on it. Amazing what eating foods your body can digest, not being completely sick all the time, and getting of certain medicine will do in 5 months.
2) I got a new neurologist. Whoopie!! She mainly just listened to me and took note of all the medicine that I take all the time and stuff. Then she ran the meds through a computer and a software program and found 29 bad drug interactions. Mainly between all of my prescribed drugs. 9 of which were serious possibly fatal.SCARY!
Every time I get on a new med, I specifically ask ‘does this interact with my other medicines?’ Do doctors actually listen to me? Ever?
So now the big thing is to change my medicines and get me off of a bunch of them to get rid of a bunch of my headaches and possibilities of tons of problems.
I don’t like change. I’m so scared. Changing has always been rough for me and I would like to just do it on my terms, not because I have to.
If it makes me better, I’ll do it though. I’ll do anything to feel better. 

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